Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chronic Pain, Prolotherapy May be Able to Help

Many of us have aches or pains that just won’t go away no matter what we do.
Medications, rest, physical therapy, acupuncture, manipulation, etc.
Somehow that pain either never goes away or just keeps coming back.
But one thing many of us have not tried is Prolotherapy.

Prolotherapy is a technique that helps to stimulate the body’s ability to repair a painful area when the natural healing process is not enough. In most cases Prolotherapy is effective at eliminating chronic pain due to ligament and tendon weakness 80 to 90 percent of the time.

You might wonder why you still have pain in an injured area or why that area remains weak, even after a healing period of weeks, months or years. The answer lies in the fact that both ligaments and tendons have very poor circulation. These areas may have little or no blood flow, but they have lots of nerves. When they become weak, nerves around the ligaments and tendons become stretched and irritated which produces pain.

Prolotherapy involves the injection of a solution that causes an inflammatory response which stimulates the healing process. This results in a stronger or larger tendon or ligament that can the hold body structures in place more effectively.

The weakened area heals, and the patient's pain is reduced or eliminated. 
It is also an excellent alternative to cortisone injections, which long term studies have shown to actually weaken tissue.

Most patients require about 6 treatments to restore function and relieve pain. 
The treatments are usually given at about 3 week intervals.

In addition to chronic pain, Prolotherapy is effective in back pain & neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, and other joint pain; tendonitis, arthritis, herniated discs and headaches. And if you have a sports injury, look no further than Prolotherapy. If it involves a tendon or ligament, chances are prolotherapy will help.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Hypertension May Impair Ones Cognition

Now keeping ones blood pressure under control has an added reward.
If you have high blood pressure, this may affect your cognition - the act or process of knowing; perception. Now research suggests that hypertension may affect older people’s cognitive abilities. This may suggests that stressful situations could impair their ability to think clearly.

Researchers at North Carolina State University studied 36 men and women aged 60 to 87, twice a day for 60 days. After having their blood pressure taken participants were asked to complete a number of cognitive function tests. Results showed that the performance of participants whose average systolic (the top number) blood pressure was 130 or higher dropped significantly when their blood pressure spiked. However the same deterioration of cognitive functioning was not seen in participants whose average systolic blood pressure was low or normal.

Study co-author Dr Jason Allaire said that the results revealed a link between blood pressure spikes in seniors with high blood pressure and a decrease in their inductive reasoning. "Inductive reasoning is important because it is essentially the ability to work flexibly with unfamiliar information and find solutions," said Allaire in a news release.

New Study Shows High Blood Pressure May Make it Difficult for the Elderly to Think Clearly. North Carolina State Univerity. December 15th 2008.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Avoiding Knee Surgery

If you want to avoid knee surgery and heal your injury naturally, then read this!

There are some facts one should know about healing knee injuries without surgery. In most cases of knee injuries, there is a weakening of the tendons or ligaments supporting the knee. Sometimes there is even a tear. Usually this is described as a partial tear. This also means that whatever is partially torn is also partially attached. The patient's best option is always to first try to and get these areas which are damaged to repair themselves.

The best way to do this: Prolotherapy.
Prolotherapy works by stimulating the body's healing system, therefore making this a natural way to get better. The technique involves the injection of various solutions that cause a mild inflammatory response that turns on the healing process. The growth of new ligament and tendon tissue is then stimulated. Prolotherapy can be done exactly where the ligaments or tendons attach and insert, and thereby stimulate the ligament on both ends to proliferate and strengthen.

The ligaments and tendons produced after Prolotherapy appear much the same as normal tissues, except that they are thicker, stronger, and contain fibers of varying thickness.

Many patients have avoided surgery using Prolotherapy. Common knee injuries include the ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament), the medial or lateral collateral ligaments, strained muscles insertions (tendons), pain from a torn meniscus and even chondromalacia (soreness under the knee cap).

In addition many other knee problems and pains have been fixed using Prolotherapy.

The best advice is to try a non-surgical approach to your injury by trying Prolotherapy first.