Friday, January 30, 2009

Fix Your Joint Pain Without Surgery!



Free Lecture in Santa Monica

Prolotherapy is a natural non-surgical method of assisting
the body to heal injured or weakened joints, ligaments and
tendons. These areas are injected to stimulate the growth of
healthy, strong tissues. As the tendons and ligaments grow stronger
and vibrant, the pain is alleviated.

Peter A. Fields, MD, DC is one
of a handful of physicians in the nation with
both medical and chiropractic degrees.

Dr Fields combines state-of-the-art holistic therapies with
Orthopedic/Sports Medicine and Integrative Medicine.

Come to this exciting and informative lecture. Find out the latest
treatment for those nagging aches, pains and injuries that have
been plaguing you. Start getting better today!

Wednesday February 4, 2009
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

prolotherapy lecture RSVP


Call: 310-453-1234
RSVP to Receive FREE GIFT since this lecture will fill up fast.

Santa Monica Library
601 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica CA 90401
Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium
Parking available at the Library - Enter on 7th Street

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

If You Want to Avoid Knee Surgery and Heal Your Injury Naturally, Then Read This!

There are some facts one should know about healing knee pain and injuries without surgery. In most cases of knee pain, arthritis and injuries, there is a weakening of the tendons or ligaments supporting the knee. Sometimes there is even a tear. Usually this is described as a partial tear. This also means that whatever is partially torn is also partially attached. The patient's best option is always to first try to and get these areas which are damaged to repair themselves.

The best way to do this: Prolotherapy.

Prolotherapy works by stimulating the body's healing system, therefore making this a natural way to get better. The technique involves the injection of various solutions that cause a mild inflammatory response that turns on the healing process. The growth of new ligament and tendon tissue is then stimulated. Prolotherapy can be done exactly where the ligaments or tendons attach and insert, and thereby stimulate the ligament on both ends to proliferate and strengthen.

The ligaments and tendons produced after Prolotherapy appear much the same as normal tissues, except that they are thicker, stronger, and contain fibers of varying thickness.

Many patients have avoided surgery using Prolotherapy. Arthritic knees, as well as common knee injuries including ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament), strained muscle insertions (tendons) and pain from a torn meniscus have all been helped by Prolotherapy.

In addition many other joint problems and pains have been fixed using Prolotherapy.

The best advice: try a non-surgical approach to your injury by trying Prolotherapy first

Prolotherapy Los Angeles


Want to weaken your ligament-bone junction – then get cortisone injected into that area. Cortisone and other steroid injections all have the same detrimental effects on articular cartilage.

Corticosteroids (steroids), such as cortisone and Prednisone, have an adverse effect on bone and soft tissue healing. They inhibit the synthesis of proteins, collagen, and Proteoglycans in articular cartilage, by inhibiting chondrocyte production, the cells that comprise and produce the articular cartilage. The net catabolic (breakdown) effect of steroids is inhibition of fibroblast production of collagen, ground substance, and new blood vessel formation. The result is weakened synovial joints, supporting structures, articular cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. This weakness increases the pain and the increased pain leads to more steroid injections.

Steroids also limit calcium absorption by the gastrointestinal tract, inactivate vitamin D and increasing the urinary excretion of calcium. Bone also shows a decrease in calcium uptake with cortisone use, ultimately leading to weakness at the fibro-osseous junction. Corticosteroids also inhibit the release of growth hormone, which further decreases soft tissue and bone repair. Ultimately, corticosteroids lead to a decrease in bone, ligament, and tendon strength.

Although anti-inflammatory medications and steroid injections reduce pain, they do so at the cost of destroying tissue. In one study, some joints were injected only one time. Even after one steroid injection, cartilage remained biochemically and metabolically impaired. Other studies have confirmed similar harmful effects of steroids on joint and cartilage tissue. A cortisone shot can permanently damage joints. Prolotherapy has the opposite effect—it permanently strengthens joints, ligaments, and tendons.

Some professional athletes and weekend warriors want quick relief. The problem with cortisone is that the athlete may get pain relief, but it may be at the expense of permanent inability to participate in athletics. Athletes often receive cortisone shots in order to play. They return to the playing field with an injury after getting a steroid injection to relieve the pain. Unfortunately, they cannot feel the pain anymore so they play as if there was no injury. We know (see above) that the injury could not possibly be healed because of the tremendous anti-healing properties of cortisone. Thus the athlete is further injured from the cortisone, as well as playing with an injury, thereby worsening the already bad injury.

Bottom line- get a “quick fix” with steroid injections and set yourself up for further damage. Or fix your Problem for good with Prolotherapy. The choice is yours.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

What to Ask When Looking for a Prolotherapist

1. How much of the practice is dedicated to Prolotherapy? At least 50% of the doctor’s practice should be Prolotherapy and better if it is more.

3. Does the doctor do the Prolotherapy himself? Only a skilled, trained MD or DO should be doing the injections; not an assistant or mid-level practitioner (PA, Nurse Practitioner, etc).

4. Where did the doctor learn their Prolotherapy skills? And do they take continuing education in it on a regular basis. Better yet if the doctor instructs others how to do it.